Posted in 2020

‘Corona-safe’ Measures for Cyclists at Intersections

This is the presentation given at the Cycling Research Board Annual Meeting 2020, wherein is explained what happened to the traffic signalization at intersections, to safeguard cyclists from contaminating each other with Covid while waiting in the queue for the light to turn green.

The advantage of these Corona-measures are, they can also be used as comfort-measures for cyclists when we do no longer have to fear contamination.

The corresponding paper can be found at: ArXiv paper ‘Corona-safe’ Measures for Cyclists at Intersections

If the browser does not support the viewing of the presentation, visit the presentation at: Presentation ‘Corona-safe’ Measures for Cyclists at Intersections

Actuele grafieken van de fiets-ochtendspits

Voor twee punten nabij de campus van de TU Delft wordt in de NDW fietsers geteld. Op deze pagina wordt bijgehouden hoe het met de spits staat gedurende de Corona-tijd waarin TU-medewerkers en studenten wordt gevraagd zoveel mogelijk thuis te blijven.

Actuele grafieken van de fiets-ochtendspits rond de TU Delft



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